Inter Library Loan Service
Inter Library Loan Service
Inter Library Loan service makes it possible to place a request for documents (book, articles, etc.) from another library (in France or abroad) that are not available at libraries in the Lyon metropolitan area.
These documents can be lent on a temporary basis (books, theses, scores) or provided in the form of photocopies (journal articles, book chapters).
If the reader account of the person making the request presents documents to be returned with a delay of more than two weeks and/or a fine of more than 5 euros due to delays, this situation must be regularised before making a request for an interlibrary loan.
- in France, by the CCfr (collective catalogue of France) which includes among others : several catalogues of large city libraries, and the SUDOC (collective catalogue of libraries and documentation centres for higher education and research).
- abroad, through WorldCat (international collective catalogue).
After making sure that the document is not in a library in the Greater Lyon area, you will have to make a single request for each document requested.
To ensure that you get your documents rapidly, it is best to provide the most comprehensive and accurate bibliographic information possible :
- For books or theses : author(s), full title, year of publication or presentation (publisher for books, University of presentation for theses).
- For journal articles : title of the periodical (journal), year, volume, pages, full article title.
Also remember to clearly indicate your contact details (first name, family name, e-mail address, phone number).
2. Once you have obtained the document, respect the conditions for consultation or borrowing that the librarians will instruct you on.
- The nature of the document sought (difficulties in locating it).
- The time it takes for the request to be processed by the receiving library.
- The postal delays. It will take longer to process a request from abroad.
The person making the request is notified of the document's arrival by e-mail.
The documents are to be collected from the librarians in the reading room desk of the Library.
- For books, theses and dissertations, the lending library sets the terms and conditions of consultation and the loan period which the user must agree to respect.
- Home loan is sometimes authorised. Otherwise you will be allowed to consult the document on the spot.
- The conditions and deadlines are communicated upon receipt of the document.
- An average period of 1 month is generally granted by the lending library.
A request for an extension is possible, you should remember to make the extension request a few days before the expiration of the loan or consultation deadline.
Inter Library Loan Service (ILL) :
Nathalie Castinel
+33 (0) 4 72 19 26 68
ILL application forms are available at the Reading Room desk.
To a make a request for ILL online :
1- download the form below
2- open the form, fill it in and click on "Envoyer le formulaire" (Send form)